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Download Beat Street for Mac and Windows 7/8


Have your played street fighter? Beat Street is a game based on same theme that will bring the old good feelings. Install it on your PC and Mac now using emulator and start remembering your past memories.

Beat Street

In era of Sega, games like Street Fighter were very famous among kids. In such games, it was battle between two players. Beat Street is based on same concept and because of its simple interface, the game has received very good reviews from its users.Beat Street for Windows and Mac

Download Beat Street for Windows PC and Mac

The best method to install Beat Street for PC on your Windows laptop or Mac is by using an Android emulator. There are many famous Android emulators, but we recommend Bluestacks because of its bugs-free environment.


Beat Street for Windows PC

To install Beat Street for Windows PC, follow the steps below:

  1. Download Bluestacks Android emulator for your Windows PC.
  2. Launch the emulator.
  3. Download Beat Street for PC .apk file and place it on your desktop.
  4. Drag and drop the apk file inside Bluestacks.
  5. Follow on-screen instructions to start the installation process.
  6. Once installation is completed, launch Beat Street from within bluestacks.

Beat Street for Mac

For installation of Beat Street for Mac, follow the steps below:

  1. Download Bluestacks or any other Android emulator which is available for macOS. Check out our list of best Android emulators for Mac.
  2. Install it from its file.
  3. Download Beat Street apk file and place it on your Mac desktop.
  4. Launch the emulator like any other app you launch on your Mac.
  5. Now you can start the installation of Beat Street for Mac by either double clicking on its apk file and dragging/dropping it inside the emulator.
  6. When installation is completed, you will be able to launch Beat Street for Mac from within the emulator.

In case you want to play Beat Street on your Android smartphone or tablet, it can be installed from Play Store.

The graphics of Beet Street are very simple that are in conjunction with old fighting games. The gameplay is very easy and you will be able to master all the controls after just one fight.



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