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Download Opera Touch for Windows and Mac


Opera Touch is touch-optimized web browser for smartphones with easy to use interface and faster response. Use it now on Windows PC or Mac with emulators.

Opera Touch

Opera is famous for its Opera Mini, which was one of the famous browser for smartphones. Now with touch smartphones dominating, Opera Touch is released with focuses these devices.

Its large tiles make it super easy to use. Moreover, it is claimed that Opera Touch is as fast as Opera Mini. When you Opera Touch on your Android device, you can instantly start typing the web address or can use voice search. It will respond to your query very fast and help you get the desired result.Opera Touch


Another cool feature is that you can send links, videos, and notes to yourself (to your other devices) with one click.

Finally, if you are stuck using free, public, or unprotected WiFi networks, Opera Touch encrypts the data it sends, so this is yet another layer of protection for you from those who want to spy on your information or steal it.

Download Opera Touch for PC

In order to install and use Android apps like Opera Touch for PC on Windows, you need to have an Android emulator installed.

Presently, there are lot of good Android emulator softwares available for both Windows and Mac operating systems. We recommend to first give Nox Player a try to install Opera Touch for Windows.


How to Use Opera Touch for Windows 7/8/10

Though Opera Touch experience on Windows and Mac might not be that good, provided you are using it through emulator, you can still give it a try.

The app is rated a 4.3 out of 5 stars in Google Play, so that is a good sign about the potential experience you might have with it.


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